Elements of 3 Primary Materials in Porcelain Tableware (2)

Elements of 3 Primary Materials in Porcelain Tableware (2)

Glaze Materials For Ceramic Tableware

Ceramics are usually decorated in different ways and it is these different designs that make it attractive. Well, what makes them so attractive? What gives them that shiny state? What gives them that appealing look? It is the glazing properties. The glaze is the ceramic finishing that is thin and glassy that covers the entire surface of ceramics. There are different ways of glazing ceramics with the commonest and most popular being dipping glaze, brush glaze and pouring glaze.

Why Are Ceramic Tableware Glazed?

Ceramics tableware are glazed for so many reasons and they are listed below:

· It helps to make tableware look beautiful and for easy maintenance. Ceramic tableware is very attractive to look at as it comes in different shapes and sizes. The glazing gives it a more beautiful appearance and also, it can be maintained easily.

· Glazing gives an artistic finishing effect on tableware. It makes it look sophisticated.

· Ceramic normally have a waterproof layer and this is what glazing does for it.

· Glazing also helps to protect the tableware.

Glaze Components

What makes up the glazing of ceramic tableware? Well, they are silicon dioxide, bauxite, and co-solvent.

Silicon Dioxide

Silicon dioxide is the main component of glass and it is mostly found in quartz or Flint, with a melting point above 3092° F.


Co-solvent is another property of the glaze in ceramic tableware. It is made up of dolomite, feldspar, magnesium carbonate and chalk.


Bauxite helps to increase surface adhesion and it can be found in materials like clay, little wonder clay is used to make ceramic to give it that beautiful finish.

Types Of Glaze

Glaze can b classified according to the requirements they are supposed to meet. There are so many kinds of glazes used in the ceramic industry and this regard in the production of ceramic tableware.

These requirements vary but well, here they are:

· Firing temperature requirements: In this context, we have high-temperature glaze and low-temperature glaze

· Appearance requirements: There are so many types of glaze under this particular category as ceramic tableware have different kinds of finishing. For the appearance, we have crystalline glaze, opaque glaze, transparent glass, matte glaze, color glaze and so much more.

· Chemical composition requirements: This particular classification is done according to the chemical composition of the glass. In this category, we have feldspar glaze, boron glaze, lead glaze and so on.

Generally, glaze has a thickness of about 0.1cm. This helps to make porcelain and ceramic dense. The way a mirror feels is the same way ceramic feels and this is because of the glaze used. Not only does glaze bring about the luster, but it also helps for the strength of the ceramic tableware and improves chemical stability.

Finally, glaze in ceramics makes it easy to clean and makes it resistant to rust and corrosion.

City Tableware offers you the best ceramic tableware for both residential and commercial purposes. Reach out to us for your high-quality ceramic tableware.